Understanding all the ways to monitor your rigs¶
There are two general groups of ways to monitor your rigs:
- Online, meaning it requires the rig to have internet connectivity (via a wifi or hotspot/tethered connection)
- Offline, meaning the rig does not have any internet connectivity
The main ways of monitoring your rig ONLINE include:¶
- Papertrail
- Accessing via SSH (either using an app on your phone, or your computer)
- Nightscout
- AndroidAPS NS Client (Download the app-nsclient-release APK from here.)
- Pebble watch (your watchface of choice, such as Urchin)
- Apache Chainsaw
The main ways of monitoring your rig OFFLINE include:¶
- Pancreabble (offline connection to your Pebble watch)
- For Android users: “Hot Button“
- Accessing via SSH over Bluetooth, or by using a mobile router so your phone/rig can connect to the same network offline
- For any phone type: Creating a web page that can be accessed on the phone via the rig’s IP address
You’ll probably come back to this page later to setup different monitoring options¶
At this point, if you’re not yet set up on OpenAPS, you won’t quite be ready to set up all of the below options for accessing your rig - because your rig is not built yet! But, just know that there are different “online” and “offline” ways to monitor your rig, so you’ll want to think about your preferences for both situations, and know that the instructions on the rest of this page are here when you’re more familiar and are ready to set up some or all of them.
Accessing your online rig via SSH¶
See below for different ways to access your rig:
- If your computer and rig are on the same wifi network
- If your computer and rig are on different wifi networks
- If your iPhone and rig are on the same wifi network
If your computer and rig are on the same wifi network¶
For Mac computers¶
- Open the Terminal App found in the Utilities folder in Applications.
- Use the command
ssh root@edisonhost.local
(or whatever you named your edison host, in the example below, the hostname was edison1). If this is your first time logging in to the rig on the computer, you may get a message about the authenticity of the host and whether you want to add the key fingerprint to the list of known hosts. Go ahead and answer yes. You will be asked for the password for the rig...enter your root password that you setup in Phase 0 (the default was edison). Realize that keystrokes will not appear as you enter the password. A successful login will result in a screen similar to below.
- If you get an error about “could not resolve hostname”, it is likely that your rig is actually connected to a different wifi network than the computer. Try the screen method (directions below) for connecting to your rig.
- If you get an scary looking error about “WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!” that is likely because you are attempting to login to a rig that has the same hostname as a previous rig that has been logged into on the computer. (This is why you want to use unique hostnames if you are going to have multiple rigs.) You can delete the history of known hosts for the rig by entering the commands
cd .ssh
and thenrm known_hosts
. This will delete the log of known hosts on your computer. There’s no significant downside to removing the known_host log, except that you will need to answer yes to the key fingerprint additions again for the first time you login to old rigs again. After you delete the known hosts, you can use thessh root@edisonhost.local
command to login, as described above.
For Windows computers¶
- Open PuTTY program
- Click the SSH radio button and then enter the IP address of the rig on the “Host Name” line in PuTTY.
- If you do not know the IP address of the rig, you can obtain it by first logging on using Serial connection (described below) and using the command
- Click the “Open” button in the PuTTY window and, if this is your first time logging into the rig using PuTTY using ssh, you may see a warning regarding the server’s host key. Click yes to add the host key to PuTTY’s cache.
- Login using login name
and password is whatever you changed it to during setup in Phase 0. The default password was edison. As you type the password, no keystrokes will appear on the screen. Successful login will leave you at a prompt for the root user.
If your computer and rig are on different wifi networks¶
Access to the rig will need a cable to connect the UART port on the rig with the USB port on the computer. You will need a cable capable of transmitting data. If you try all of the steps below and are unsuccessful at connecting, try a new cable.
For Mac computers¶
- Use the Terminal app on the Mac, or follow these directions for Windows
- If you’re using a Mac, use the command
sudo screen /dev/tty.usbserial-* 115200
to enable “screen” mode. You will be prompted to enter a password. Enter your computer’s password not the rig’s password here.
- You may see a blank screen. Press RETURN to bring up the edison’s login screen. Login as
and use your root password (you should have changed it from the default ofedison
during the setup of the rig - if not, please go back and do so now. A successful login will look like below.
- If instead, you see a message at the bottom of the screen that says “Sorry, could not find a PTY.” that usually means the system has not cleared a previous screen session. If you only had the rig connected by one cable in the UART port on rig, you can simply unplug the rig from the computer and move to a new USB port on the computer. If you don’t have any “new” USB ports that were not used by the previous login attempt, then close out terminal app, restart the computer, and try again. This will clear the error.
- If instead you see a message at the bottom of the screen that says “Cannot exec ‘/dev/tty.usbserial-*‘: No such file or directory”, double check that you have your rig and computer connected via the rig’s UART port. Using the OTG port will cause this error message. Or typos in the screen command will have same result. Double check your spelling, or better yet...use copy and paste whenever possible.
For Windows Users¶
- Navigate to your Control Panel and then to Device Manager. Click on the Ports to open your USB serial port. Find the COM port that the rig is connected to. In the screenshot below, COM7. Note: different USB ports will have different numbers. If you regularly plug your rig into the computer and use this connection type, you may need to make sure you update the COM number in the steps below if you are switching between different USB ports.
- Open PuTTY program. Click on the Serial radio button, enter the COM number you got from the previous step into the Serial line number and change the speed to 115200. Click on Open button.
- Enter
for the login and the password is whatever you changed it to during setup in Phase 0. The default password was edison. As you type the password, no keystrokes will appear on the screen. Successful login will leave you at a prompt for the root user as shown below.
autossh Reverse Tunnel¶
If you have an ssh server that is always accessible on the Internet, you can use it as a known hop point to ssh into your rig as long as the rig has an Internet connection.
On the rig, install autossh: apt-get install autossh
Your ssh environment must be setup to use key based authentication. (Basic instructions are here.)
On the rig, add the lines below to the /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 5
On the server, add the lines below to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ClientAliveInterval 60
ClientAliveCountMax 5
The configuration values above ensure when the rig moves from wifi network to wifi network, it will require 5 minutes at most for autossh to establish a new link to the server.
Test the ssh setup by executing autossh on the rig:
autossh -f -M 0 -T -N <userid>@<Internet server address> -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -R 20201:localhost:22
Test ssh into the rig from another device by ssh to the internet server address on port 20201
instead of the default port 22
-connect to the internet server -from that server:
ssh -l root -p 20201 localhost
Once the test are successful, add a line to your rig crontab to launch autossh at boot using the autossh command above:
@reboot autossh -f -M 0 -T -N <userid>@<Internet server address> -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -R 20201:localhost:22
Papertrail remote monitoring of OpenAPS logs (RECOMMENDED)¶
If you want to remotely view the rig’s logs/loops, you can use Papertrail service. We HIGHLY recommend setting up this service for at least the first month of your OpenAPS use to help remotely and quickly troubleshoot your rig, if you have problems. The first month of Papertrail comes with a very generous amount of free data. If you decide you like the service, you can sign up for monthly plan. Typically, the monthly cost for using Papertrail with OpenAPS is approximately $5-7 depending on how many rigs you use and how long you’d want to save old data.
Get an account at Papertrail¶
Go to http://papertrailapp.com and setup a new account. Choose to setup a new system. Notice the header at the top of the new system setup that says the path and port that your logs will go to. You’ll need that information later.
System logging¶
Login to your rig. If you need help with that, please see the Accessing Your Rig section of these docs. Copy and paste the code that is displayed in your new system setup’s shaded box, as shown in the red arrowed area in the screen shot above. This will setup papertrail for just your syslogs. But, we now will need to add more (aggregate) your logs such as pump-loop and ns-loop.
Aggregating logs¶
- Copy and paste each of these four command lines, one at a time. The screenshot below shows the successful results of each command. The first command will run for a short time and end with similar information to the green box. The remaining three commands will not display anything specific as a result of the command.
For Intel Edison rigs, use:
wget https://github.com/papertrail/remote_syslog2/releases/download/v0.19/remote_syslog_linux_i386.tar.gz
For Raspberry Pi rigs, use:
wget https://github.com/papertrail/remote_syslog2/releases/download/v0.18-beta1/remote_syslog_linux_arm.tar.gz
Then, for either rig type, run:
tar xzf ./remote_syslog*.tar.gz
cd remote_syslog
sudo cp ./remote_syslog /usr/local/bin
- Create the file that will store all the logs you’d like to aggregate:
vi /etc/log_files.yml
- press “i” to enter INSERT mode, and then copy and paste the following (updating your host and port on the lines shown to match what your new system info shows as described above):
- /var/log/openaps/pump-loop.log
- /var/log/openaps/autosens-loop.log
- /var/log/openaps/ns-loop.log
- /var/log/openaps/network.log
- /var/log/openaps/autotune.log
- /var/log/openaps/cgm-loop.log
- /var/log/openaps/pushover.log
host: logs5.papertrailapp.com # NOTE: change this to YOUR papertrail host!
port: 12345 # NOTE: change to your Papertrail port
protocol: tls
type ESC and ”:wq” to save changes and exit.
- Start a new aggregate
sudo remote_syslog
Now you should be able to see your new logs in your papertrail, but we need to make it so this runs automatically when the rig is restarted.
Install auto restart at reboot¶
- Create a new file that will restart the papertrail logging at reboot
vi /etc/systemd/system/remote_syslog.service
- press “i” to enter INSERT mode, and then copy and paste the following:
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/test -e /etc/log_files.yml
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/remote_syslog -D
type ESC and ”:wq” to save changes and exit.
- enable the reboot service by using these two commands, one at a time.
systemctl enable remote_syslog.service
systemctl start remote_syslog.service
- reboot your rig to test the papertrail
and then go to your papertrailapp website to see the log
Optimize Papertrail use¶
To make the most of your Papertrail logs, setting up some of your account settings and filters will help streamline your troubleshooting
Account Filters¶
Adding filters to your incoming Papertrail logs will help minimize unuseful data (and help keep you below your data caps) and streamline your review of your relevant OpenAPS logs. You can go to your Papertrail account’s Settings
and then choose the Log Destinations
. Click on Log Filters
to go to the screen where you can add specific filters.
Click on the Add Log Filter
button and add three filters for CRON
, libmraa
, and sudo
. Save the changes and within 60 seconds, your logs will be filtered. The CRON, libmraa, and sudo logs usually provide very little help for troubleshooting OpenAPS problems. You can always undo these filters, if you want to see what those provide in the future.
Saved Searches¶
Unfortunately, Papertrail does not currently have an app for use on mobile devices. Instead, you will be using an internet browser to view your papertrail. Setting up saved searches, in advance, can help you sort through your logs more efficiently. Most OpenAPS troubleshooting will involve either wifi connection issues or pump communications. Some helpful searches to save in order to find those issues fastest are:
to see just your pump loop...similar to using thel
command when logged into your rig.network
will show just your oref0-online results and whether/which wifi network your rig is connected to. If you see results of192.168.1.XX
, then your rig is likely connected to a wifi network. If you see results of172.20.10.XX
then your rig is likely connected to your phone’s personal hotspot. If you seeerror, cycling network
results, you should check out troubleshooting steps.pump-loop.log adjust
will show your basal and ISF adjustments being made by autosens, if enabled.
If you are running multiple rigs, you can also setup these searches to include the hostname of a particular rig, if you want to see results just for that rig. For example, this screenshot below would be saving a search for a particular rig with the hostname of edison1
and only for its pump-loop.log.
Once you get your desired searches saved, it is an easy process to make them more accessible on your mobile device by using its browser’s add to homescreen
button. For example, below are the quick links to the saved searches for an OpenAPS user with three rigs...
Troubleshooting using Papertrail¶
Papertrail can be very valuable to quickly troubleshoot a rig, because it is quite easy to see all the loops that log information about your rig’s actions. BUT, the way that the information comes into Papertrail is based on the time the action took place. So, you’ll be seeing information stream by that may or may not help you troubleshoot WHICH area your issues are.
First, let’s start with messages that ARE NOT ERRORS
- Anything in the first 15 minutes (pretty much) of a new loop setup. Let the loop run for 15 minutes before you start to investigate the messages. Many messages resolve themselves during that time, such as
cat: enact/enacted.json: No such file or directory
is because the loop hasn’t enacted a temp basal suggestion yet...so the file doesn’t exist. Radio ok. Listening: .No pump comms detected from other rigs
This message is NOT an error. This means your rig is checking to make sure it is not interrupting another rig that may already be talking to your pump. It’s being polite.[system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1': timed out
This message is NOT an error. Jubilinux does not use the hostname service...so it does not activate.- Many messages that say there are failures, are not really failures for your rig. For example, there are a lot of scary looking messages when your rig is changing networks from wifi to/from BT...an unfiltered papertrail will show every message like this:
But, really, most of those messages are the normal course of the rig telling you what’s going on. Like “Hey, I seem to have disconnected from the wifi...I’m going to look for BT now. Hold on. I need to organize myself. Bringing up my stuff I need to find BT. Ok, found a BT device. Well, I can connect to it, but some of the features I don’t need...like an audio BT connection.” But, the rig doesn’t speak English...it speaks code. So, if you don’t speak code...sometimes a filter for network
might help you filter for the English bits of info a little better. Here’s what that same period of time looked like with a network
filter applied. It’s a little more clear that my rig was changing from a BT tether to a wifi connection when you filter the results.
Therefore when you start to troubleshoot, USE YOUR FILTERS to narrow down the logs that you are looking at. Here are some specific errors/issues you may find.
Use pump-loop
search filter to start with. What messages are you seeing? Poor pump comms are one of the most frequent causes of loops stopping. If you see 916, 0, -99
tuning results, then you know that your rig is not getting a usable communication with your pump. Try moving your pump and rig closer together. Check if your pump battery is good.
Ideally you should be seeing pump tuning somewhat like the filter for mmtune
below shows...this is a kid at school, carrying the rig in a purse/backpack. Some periods of time she leaves her rig behind (like PE class) and other shorter times where there’s poor pump comms. But, generally speaking seeing mmtune results in the 70s and 80s will sustain good looping.
There are files that get written to in a directory called /root/myopenaps/.git
Sometimes a process crashes and causes a file in that directory to get locked and the writing can’t continue. Your loop may fail as a result. This can be a short term issue, and it could resolve on its own...other times it may require you to delete the file that is causing the problem. For example, below is a short-term error. The message says there is a problem in the /root/myopenaps/.git
and I may need to remove that file to get things going again. However, you can also see that a few minutes later, the problem resolved on its own.
If you find a .git lock error is causing a long period of time where your loop is failing, you can remove the file, as the error suggests by using rm -rf /root/myopenaps/.git/filename
or you can delete the whole .git
directory (it will get rebuilt by the loop automatically) with rm -rf /root/myopenaps/.git
Having flaky router or wifi issues? Some routers or ISPs (I still haven’t completely determined the cause) will not work nice with the Avahi-daemon. What the means for you...spotty time staying connected to your wifi. Does your rig not loop consistently? Sometimes are you getting kicked out of ssh sessions with your rig? Look for the message shown in the screenshot below:
Or alternatively, if you see this message when you login to your rig:
The solution to this is to login to your rig and use this command systemctl disable avahi-daemon
as shown below
AND also make this edit using vi /etc/default/avahi-daemon
Change the number on the last line from 1
to 0
so that it reads AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL=0
as shown in the screenshot below. (remember i
to enter INSERT mode for editing, and esc
and :wq
to save and exit the editor)
your rig after the change to enable the fix.
subg_rfspy state or version??
If your loop is failing, lights are staying on, and you see repeated error messages about “Do you have the right subg_rfsby state or version?” as below, then you need to head to this section of docs to fix that issue. Don’t worry, it is a 5 minute fix. Very straight-forward.
If your computer and rig are on the same wifi network you can use Apache Chainsaw2 from a pc (running windows/mac/linux) to watch your logs. Chainsaw2 main advantages are:
- Easy setup.
- Strong filtering capabilities.
- Strong finding capabilities.
- Coloring capabilities.
- Adding marker capabilities.
- Logs can be searched for a long time (kept localy on the rig).
- Can tail new data.
example picture:
To setup apache chainsaw on your computer, follow the following instructons:¶
Download the following version of apache chainsaw from here: https://github.com/tzachi-dar/logging-chainsaw/releases/download/ (please note this version was changed to fit the openaps project, other releases of appach chainsaw will not work with a rpii).
Unzip the file.
On your pc, create a configuration file called openaps.xml with the following data (for example notepad openaps.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration > <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/" debug="true"> <appender name="A2" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"> <layout class="org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout"/> </appender> <plugin name="VFSLogFileReceiver1" class="org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.vfs.VFSLogFilePatternReceiver"> <param name="fileURL" value="sftp://root:password@"/> <param name="name" value="sampleVFSLogFileReceiver1"/> <param name="tailing" value="true"/> <param name="timestampFormat" value="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/> <param name="logFormat" value="TIMESTAMP LOGGER MESSAGE"/> <param name="autoReconnect" value="false"/> <param name="group" value="group"/> </plugin> <root> <level value="debug"/> </root> </log4j:configuration>
Make sure to replace the password, with your rig’s password, and with the ip/hostname of your rig.
run chainsaw by the command: bin\chainsaw.bat (pc) or bin/chainsaw (linux and mac)
From the file menu choose ‘load chainsaw configuration’
Choose use chainsaw configuration file.
press open file.
choose the file openaps.xml
(optional) mark the checkbox “always start chainsaw with this configuration.”
Chainsaw has a welcome tab and a good tutorial, use them. Still here are a few highlights:
- To see only pump-loop you can either select ‘focus on openaps.pump-loop.log’ or on the refine focus on field enter ‘logger==openaps.pump-loop’
- To filter only messages that contain the words ‘autosens ratio’ enter on the ‘refine focus’ logger==openaps.pump-loop && msg~=’autosens ratio’
- To highlight lines that contain ‘refine focus’, enter msg~=’autosens ratio’ on the find tab.
Accessing your offline rig¶
Pancreabble - offline connection to Pebble watch¶
(TO DO Note - Pancreabble instructions for OpenAPS need to be re-worked to reflect the oref0-setup script way of making it work. Below is notes about Pancreabble setup prior to oref0-setup.sh being in existence.)
Pancreabble is a way to monitor your loop locally, by pairing a Pebble smartwatch directly with the Raspberry Pi or Intel Edison.
In other words, whereas the default setup looks like this:
Raspberry Pi/Intel Edison -> network -> Nightscout server -> network -> smartphone
-> laptop
-> Pebble watch
And by default, your Pebble is paired thus:
smartphone -> Bluetooth -> Pebble watch
With Pancreabble, the setup looks like this:
Raspberry Pi/Intel Edison -> Bluetooth -> Pebble watch
Using a Pebble watch can be especially helpful during the “open loop” phase: you can send the loop’s recommendations directly to your wrist, making it easy to evaluate the decisions it would make in different contexts during the day (before/after eating, when active, etc.).
See Pancreabble for initial setup instructions.
Once you’ve done the first stages above, you’ll need to do generate a status file that can be passed over to the Pebble Urchin watch face. Fortunately, the core of this is available in oref0.
Go to ~src/oref0/bin
and look for peb-urchin-status.sh
. This gives you the basic framework to generate output files that can be used with Pancreabble. To use it, you’ll need to install jq using:
apt-get install jq
If you get errors, you may need to run apt-get update
ahead of attempting to install jq.
Once jq is installed, the shell script runs and produces the urchin-status.json
file which is needed to update the status on the pebble. It can be incorporated into an alias that regularly updates the pebble. You can modify it to produce messages that you want to see there.
When installing the oref0-setup you will need to replace all instances of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF with the Pebble MAC address. This can be found in Settings/System/Information/BT Address. NOTE: Make sure the MAC address is in ALL CAPS.
Once you’ve installed, you will need to pair the watch to your Edison.
Bluetooth setup for Pancreabble¶
- Restart the Bluetooth daemon to start up the bluetooth services. (This is normally done automatically by oref0-online once everything is set up, but we want to do things manually this first time):
sudo killall bluetoothd
- Wait a few seconds, and run it again, until you get
bluetoothd: no process found
returned. Then start it back up again:
sudo /usr/local/bin/bluetoothd --experimental &
- Wait at least 10 seconds, and then run:
sudo hciconfig hci0 name $HOSTNAME
- If you get a
Can't change local name on hci0: Network is down (100)
error, start over withkillall
and wait longer between steps. - Now launch the Bluetooth control program:
- And run:
power off
- then
power on
- and each of the following:
discoverable on
scan on
agent on
On Your Pebble¶
Settings/BLUETOOTH to make sure Pebble is in pairing mode
from terminal
you might need to do this several times before it pairs
you will see on the edison
Request confirmation [agent] Confirm passkey 123456 (yes/no): yes
- (WARNING: You must type in yes not just y to pair)
Once paired, type quit to exit.
Currently the peb-urchin-status.sh
has 1 notification and 3 different options for urchin messages.
in you APS directory there is a file called ‘pancreoptions.json’
"urchin_loop_on": true, <--- to turn on or off urchin watchface update
"urchin_loop_status": false, <--- Gives a message on urchin watchface that it's running
"urchin_iob": true, <--- Gives a message on urchin watchface of current IOB
"urchin_temp_rate": false, <--- Gives a message on urchin watchface of current temp basal
"notify_temp_basal": false <--- Notification of temp basal when one shows up in enact/suggested.json
note only one of the messages for the urchin watchface can be true at once
the peb-urchin-status.sh
gets called from the crontab and will run automatically.
By default the urchin_loop_on, and urchin_iob is set to true. You must manually change notify_temp_basal to true to start getting temp basal notifications. you can edit this file using nano pancreoptions.json
from your APS directory.
Hot Button - for Android users¶
NOTE: The Hotbutton app linked below has disappeared from Google Play. There are several others available if you search “SSH Button”, but the app setup instructions won’t match exactlty.
Hot Button app can be used to monitor and control OpenAPS using SSH commands. It is especially useful for offline setups. Internet connection is not required, it is enough to have the rig connected to your android smartphone using bluetooth tethering.
App Setup¶
To set up a button you need to long click. Then go to Server Settings. For Server’s IP, add the IP address that your rig has when connected to your phone. Under Server’s Port, add the port number 22. Under Authenication Settings, you need to add your rig’s username, password, and the root password. Be sure that the password for the private key file is blank unless you are setting up a key authentication (which is not necessary). Go back to the previous button setup screen and click “Set as default!”. This will save all your server settings so that you can easily load them onto each new button you make.
Basic commands¶
For the Command part of the button setup you can write any command which you would run in the ssh session. (If you are running a command that would need to be run with root privileges, be sure to check the box “Execute as root!”) Here are some suggested commands:
To show Automatic Sensitivity ratio, you can set:
cat /root/myopenaps/settings/autosens.json
To show the last enacted loop, you can set:
cat /root/myopenaps/enact/enacted.json
To show your rig’s network name, you can set:
iwgetid -r
To show your rig’s battery status, you can set:
cat /root/myopenaps/monitor/edison-battery.json
To show your pump’s battery status, you can set:
cat /root/myopenaps/monitor/battery.json
After setting up the button, simply click it to execute the command. The results are displayed in the black text area below the buttons. You can change the font size of the text in the box, and you can add more buttons under the main Hot Button menu.
Temporary targets¶
It is possible to use Hot Button application for setup of temporary targets. The oref0 repo has a script named oref0-append-local-target that sets a temp target locally on the rig.
To set an activity mode target of 130 mg/dL for 60m, run:
oref0-append-local-temptarget 130 60
To set an eating soon mode target of 80 mg/dL for 30m, run:
oref0-append-local-temptarget 80 30
SSH Login Speedup¶
To speed up the command execution you can add to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config
the following line:
UseDNS no
Accessing your offline rig via SSH over Bluetooth¶
Your phone and rig must be BT paired and connected over BT PAN. See https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/Customize-Iterate/bluetooth-tethering-edison.html for BT PAN configuration. When you first open Termius on your mobile device (JuiceSSH and SimpleSSH are also good choices) it will prompt you to add a new host. Click the + button to add a new host. Turn the toggle on for Use SSH and then fill out the following information:
Alias – use an alias name that let’s you know which rig and which connection point this host is for, for example YourRigName on device BT
Hostname – Enter the IP address of the rig as assigned by your BT PAN
Username – click to the left of the little blue man and type root
Password – Enter your rig’s root password (default is “edison” but you should have changed it during setup)
Click Save in the upper right corner. You should now see the host you just created. If you click on that host, you’ll see a message that it is connecting (first time connections will ask if you want to save the rig to known hosts, cick continue and then you’ll be connected to a terminal app screen. You can now issue commands and edit files just like you can over an SSH connection from your computer.
Accessing your offline rig via SSH when your phone and rig are connected to the same network¶
Just like the trick for getting internet to your rig through a network that requires you to log in via a portal (a “captive” network), a mobile router (e.g. HooToo) or other brand) can create a network that allows your phone and rig both to be connected, allowing you to then SSH into your rig, just as if they were connected via cellular.
You can then use the same methods to SSH in for the phone or computer (that you’re using to SSH) being on the same network as the rig.
Note: you will want to set your mobile router up in advance, and give it the same network name and password as a network already on your rig; or otherwise make sure to add the network and password to your rig before you travel and want to use this offline.
Generally, the steps for getting online with the HooToo, which you should practice with before you travel:
- Plug in the HooToo/turn it on.
- Use your phone or computer and join the HooToo network.
- If you plan to loop offline and just want to SSH in, you should be able to SSH in and see your logs.
For using the HooToo to join plane or hotel wifi, after you’ve joined the HooToo router network:
- Open a browser and type in a URL (e.g.
) and hit enter. This should redirect you to the HooToo log in page. - Follow your router’s instructions for how to get to the network page and scan and click to join the right network.
- Open another tab, type a URL again (e.g.
) and hit enter. This should take you to the login page (e.g. GoGo or the captive portal of the hotel wifi). Input your credentials or otherwise log in. Once you’re successfully through that step, the router is online and will begin sharing the internet connectivity with the other devices that are joined to the network.
Offline web page from rig - for any phone user¶
Starting with oref0 0.6.1, you can enable a rig hosted offline webpage that can be accessed over a local LAN. To do this, simply open a web browser and go to your rig’s IP address. In most cases, this will be in the format 192.168.x.x
The box around your current BG will be either green or red, depending on the last time OpenAPS was able to successfully complete a pump-loop. The box functions similarly to the OpenAPS pill in Nightscout. If you tap on it, you will be able to view more info about the current state of your rig and its decision making process.
NOTE: If the webpage does not load, check your crontab. On master (oref0 version 0.6.x) your crontab should contain the line @reboot cd ~/src/oref0/www && export FLASK_APP=app.py && flask run -p 80 --host=
You can check this by logging into your rig and typing crontab -l
. If you need to edit your crontab the command is crontab -e
Old instructions for an offline webpage. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the method above for oref0 0.6.0 or greater.¶
TODO - implement this as a proper oref0 script that can be installed by oref0-setup
This allows you to extract data from the various files that OpenAPS creates and access the locally from the phone that is connected to the rig, giving a full information set.
A. First, you need to set up the script that will do this for you. An example is shown below:
rm ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
touch ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
(cat ~/myopenaps/enact/smb-enacted.json | jq -r .timestamp | awk '{print substr($0,12,5)}') >> ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
(cat ~/myopenaps/enact/smb-enacted.json | jq -r .reason) >> ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
(echo -n 'TBR: ' && cat ~/myopenaps/enact/smb-enacted.json | jq .rate) >> ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
(echo -n 'IOB: ' && cat ~/myopenaps/enact/smb-enacted.json | jq .IOB) >> ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
(echo -n 'Edison Battery: ' && cat ~/myopenaps/monitor/edison-battery.json | jq -r .battery | tr '\n' ' ' && echo '%') >> ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
(echo -n 'Insulin Remaining: ' && cat ~/myopenaps/monitor/reservoir.json) >> ~/myopenaps/enact/index.html
Create the above script by running nano /root/myopenaps/http.sh
, then paste the above, and save it.
You may need to adjust the values in '{print substr($0,12,5)}'
- whilst I know these work on the rigs I have set them up on, other’s have had better results with {print substr($0,13,5)}'
B. You will also need to start up the SimpleHTTPserver service that is already installed on jubilinux in the location you will place your file. This is done by adding the following line to your Cron (refer to the resources section for help on editing crontabs):
@reboot cd /root/myopenaps/enact && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337
The final thing to do is to make sure the script runs regularly to collect the data and publish it. This requires an additional cron line:
*/5 * * * * (bash /root/myopenaps/http.sh) 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/openaps/http.log
In this case the script is running from the /root directory and I am publishing to the ~/myopenaps/enact directory.
C. Accessing via your phone
IPHONE USERS: To access this from an iphone browser, enter something like the following: http://172.20.10.x:1337/index.html and you should receive an unformatted html page with the data in it. The value you need will be the ip address you see when you first set up bluetooth on your rig, and can be found using ifconfig bnep0
when your rig is connected to your phone via bluetooth. If you want to improve the output for a browser, the script can be modified to generate html tags that will allow formatting and could provide colouring if various predicted numbers were looking too low.
ANDROID USERS: On Android, you can download http-widget and add a widget to your home screen that will display this data. You will need the IP address that your rig uses. If you are using xdrip as your glucose data source, it is the same as the value you use there.
SAMSUNG GEAR S3 WATCH USERS: If you use a Samsung Gear S3 watch, you can use the above http-widget with Wearable Widgets to view what OpenAPS is doing locally, without internet connection.